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Support Group

The issue: The McGowan Government, as part of its Recovery College election commitment, has invested $3.6 million in the establishment of Western Australia's first Recovery College - the WA Recovery College Alliance (WARCA). The Mental Health Commission appointed HelpingMinds to lead the project and partnered with a group of organisations to roll out the Recovery College across Western Australia, meaning it will be accessible to people in regional areas.


Project summary: The WARCA aims to provide a safe space for personal recovery and assists people to build their self-confidence, allowing them to take charge of their own mental health and wellbeing by working with community to co-produce and deliver educational courses and workshops that are meaningful, relevant and that will support them on their journey. The curriculum and courses are co-designed and co-delivered by people with lived experience of mental health, alcohol and other drug issues as a consumer, family member or carer, and professionals. The WARCA aims to evaluate their educational courses and workshops to provide evidence of the effectiveness of the College and increase its reach across Western Australia.


Relevance for practice/policy: This research will help the WARCA to continuously improve their course delivery and report the evaluation findings to the Mental Health Commission which may increase WARCA's ability to attract and sustain further funding for the Alliance.


Project funding: WARCA is funded by the Mental Health Commission, Government of Western Australia


Who is involved? Professor Jonine Jancey, Kahlia McCausland, Naomi Carter (Helping Minds)


Project progress: Ethics application (underway)


Project website:

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