Our students come from around the world and bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to their study and volunteering. Students are undertaking a diverse range of projects, topics, settings and populations using a range of methodologies.
For the list of supervisors click here.

I completed my PhD in CERIPH exploring the influence of a public health partnership on research and evaluation capacity. Throughout this process I have been supported by a wonderful team of CERIPH researchers. Undertaking my PhD strengthened my skills in qualitative research, evaluation and stakeholder engagement.
Abbas Haddadpour | PhD Candidate
THESIS TITLE: Health and wellbeing of trans people in Iran. ​​​
Supervisors: Supervisors: A/Prof Sam Winter, Dr Jacqui Hendriks, Professor David Lawrence
Bau Dilam Ardyansyah Madjid | PhD Candidate
THESIS TITLE: Interprofessional education impact on
Tuberculosis care in community-based settings in Indonesia.​
Supervisors: A/Prof Reinie Cordier, A/Prof Margo Brewer, Professor Jaya
Dantas, Dr Dave Parsons
Tereena Lucas | PhD Candidate
THESIS TITLE: Exploring the Legacy of Pesticide Use in Western Australia and Behavioural Intervention to Decrease Exposure and
Supervisors: A/Prof Krassi Rumchev, Professor Jonine Jancey
Bereket Abitew | PhD Candidate
THESIS TITLE: Under-five mortality in the era of sustainable
development goals in low-and middleincome countries: burden and trends.
Supervisors: A/Prof Gizachew Tessema, Dr Amanuel Gebremedhin, Professor Gavin Pereira, Professor Jonine Jancey
Biswadeep Tamang | PhD Candidate
THESIS TITLE: An Investigation into the Impact of Digital
Technologies on Organizational Control and Decision-Making Processes in Bureaucratic Organizational Structures.
Supervisors: Dr Aradhna Malik, Professor Jaya Dantas
Megan Watts | PhD Candidate
THESIS TITLE: The cultural spaces of women's refuges.
Supervisors: Professor Donna Chung, Professor Jaya Dantas
Curtis Povah | PhD Candidate
THESIS TITLE: Public perceptions and experiences of
choking in a sexual context.​
Supervisors: A/Prof Sam Winter
Malena Della Bona | PhD Candidate
THESIS TITLE: Why is implementation science important for drowning prevention intervention design and evaluation?​
Supervisors: A/Prof Justine Leavy, A/Prof Gemma Crawford, Professor Jonine Jancey
Scott Devenport | PhD Candidate
THESIS TITLE: The partner selection process: Exploring experiences of diverse sexual identities and the utility of a biopsychosocial perspective.
Supervisors: A/Prof Sam Winter, Dr Catriona Davis McCabe.
Georgia Griffin | PhD Candidate
THESIS TITLE: Facilitating refugee women's access to health services.​​​
Supervisors: Professor Jaya Dantas, Dr Mohammed Ali
Melinda Edmunds | PhD Candidate
THESIS TITLE: Public health action to address the social determinants of health: A mixed methods approach to developing a contemporary model for advocacy.
Supervisors: A/Prof Christina Pollard, A/Prof Gemma Crawford, Dr Jonathan Hallett
Melaku Alemu | PhD Candidate
THESIS TITLE: Youth preferences for sexual and reproductive health services in Ethiopia​
Supervisors: A/Prof Gizachew Tessema, Professor Richard Norman, Professor
Gavin Pereira & Professor Jaya Dantas
Corie Gray | PhD Candidate
THESIS TITLE: Co-designing an intervention to increase HIV testing uptake with females from priority migrant communities at-risk of HIV in Perth, Western Australia.
Supervisors: Dr Roanna Lobo, A/Prof Gemma Crawford
Piyali Debnath | PhD Candidate
THESIS TITLE: Energy Efficiency and Cognitive Performance in West Australian and Indian Buildings: A Comparative Study.​
Supervisors: Dr Prashant Anand, Professor Jaya Dantas, A/Prof Krassi Rumchev
Luke Standen | PhD Candidate
Supervisors: Dr Kahlia McCausland, Professor Jonine Jancey
Marc Zen | PhD Candidate
THESIS TITLE: Secondary school students and sexually explicit media: Perspectives of parents, teachers and students in Melbourne, Australia​
Supervisors: Dr Jacqui Hendriks, Professor Sharyn Burns
Hanna Saltis | PhD Candidate
THESIS TITLE: A mixed-methods exploration of gender
within Women’s Australian Rules community football clubs in Western Australia.
Co-Supervisor: Professor Sharyn Burns, Dr Jacqui Hendriks
Mohammad Alhasbashneh | PhD Candidate
THESIS TITLE: Using text-to-speech technology to help teachers teach students with dyslexia.​
Supervisors: Professor Sharyn Burns
Katheryn Jones | PhD Candidate
THESIS TITLE: Co-production in mental health Recovery Colleges​
Supervisors: Professor Jonine Jancey, A/Prof Gemma Crawford, Lyn Mahboub
Hannah Penklis | PhD Candidate
THESIS TITLE: Disordered Eating Patterns and Eating Disorders in Australian Trans People: a focus on the non-binary population.​
Supervisors: A/Prof Sam Winter, Professor David Lawrence
Habitu Birhan Eshetu | PhD Candidate
THESIS TITLE: Furthering the public health response to migration, mental health and homelessness​​​
Supervisors: A/Prof Gemma Crawford, Dr Krysten Blackford, Dr Roanna Lobo
Louise Francis | PhD Candidate
Supervisors: Professor Charles Livingstone, Dr Jonathan Hallett
Lekey Khandu | PhD Candidate
THESIS TITLE: Enhancing the use of HIV self-testing among
priority populations in high-income and low to middle-income countries.​
Supervisors: Dr Jonathan Hallett, A/Prof Gemma Crawford, A/Prof Justine Leavy, Dr Daniel Vujcich
Vanessa Paun | PhD Candidate
THESIS TITLE: Effective physical activity therapies for older adults.​​​
Supervisors: Professor Gaby Haddow, Professor Jonine Jancey
Richard Akubuiro | PhD Candidate
THESIS TITLE: Investigation and Adaptation of the Community Parents Peer Support Program for culturally and linguistically diverse families of children with disabilities in Armadale Western Australia.
Supervisors: Professor Sharyn Burns, Dr Krysten Blackford, Dr Ailsa Munns, Dr Helen Nelson
Kim Andreassen | PhD Candidate
THESIS TITLE: Developing Consent Pedagogy and Resources for Young People with Disability Aged 12-16 Years of Age: A Participatory Action Research Approach Utilising Design Justice Principles and Mixed Methods Research
Supervisors: Dr Jacqui Hendriks, Dr Cindy Smith, Dr Emily Castell
Chimwemwe Tembo | PhD Candidate
THESIS TITLE: Cultural and social determinants influencing mental health among adolescent mothers aged 14 -19 years during the postpartum period in Lilongwe Malawi.
Supervisors: Professor Sharyn Burns, Dr Linda Portsmouth
Tricia Reid-Moore | PhD Candidate
THESIS TITLE: The sexual behaviour and practices of menwho have sex with men and women (MSMW): Informing public health interventions.
Supervisors: Dr Jacqui Hendriks, Professor Sharyn Burns, A/Prof Gemma Crawford
Darren Tendler | MPhil Candidate
THESIS TITLE: The relationship, sex, sexuality and gender
diversity education of Jewish schools in Melbourne, Australia: A whole-school health promotion evaluation.
Supervisors: Dr Jacqui Hendriks, Professor Sharyn Burns
xxxx | PhD Candidate
Jenifer Tartaglia | MPhil Candidate
THESIS TITLE: Developing a Parent Nutrition Education Program for Parents of 0-5 year olds​
Supervisors: Professor Jonine Jancey
| MPhil Candidate