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Image by Ryoji Iwata
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The issue: BBVs and STIs affect all groups of people living in Australia. However, we currently don't have much information about the knowledge, attitudes, behaviours or practices of migrant populations living in Australia. By finding out more information, we will be able to understand whether Australian health services are meeting the needs of over-seas born communities and what improvements can be made.


Project summary: MiBSS stands for Migrant Blood-borne Virus and Sexual Health Survey.* It is a study led by Curtin University (Western Australia) in partnership with universities and community organisations in Victoria, South Australia, Queensland and New South Wales. The aim of the study is to develop a greater understanding of how migrants living in Australia think and act on the subjects of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and blood-borne viruses (BBVs).  MiBSS is a survey was completed by people born in Sub-Saharan Africa, South-East Asia and North-East Asia living in Western Australia, South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria or Queensland. The survey included questions to understand peoples' knowledge, attitudes and practices in relation to sexual health and blood-borne viruses. Online data collection ceased in June 2021.


Relevance for practice/policy: This project will lay the groundwork for a repeated, national STI and BBV survey in CALD communities.  A repeated national survey would:

  1. enable health promotion activities, models of care, policies, workforce development, and research agendas to be better tailored to areas of identified need;

  2. identify changes in knowledge, attitudes and practices over time to facilitate more responsive program planning; and

  3. provide data to assist in the evaluation of population-level health interventions.

The project is also building community research capacity through the training and employment of peer researchers. 


Project funding: This research is supported by funding from the Australian Research Council Linkage Program, Curtin University, the Western Australian Department of Health, the South Australian Department of Health, the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services, SHINE SA, the ASHM Sexual Health Research Fund and in-kind contributions from partner organisations. 


Who's involved? Assoc Prof Alison Reid, Dr Roanna Lobo, Dr Daniel Vujcich, Caitlin  Wilshin 


What outputs has the program provided?

Vujcich D, Wangda S, Lobo R, Maycock B, Thanthirige C, Roberts M and Reid A. Best practices in the administration of sexual health and blood-borne virus surveys in migrant populations: lessons from the literature.  Poster presented at 2019 Australasian Sexual Health Conference; 2019 Sep 16-18; Perth WA. Available:


Modes of administering sexual health and blood-borne virus surveys in migrant populations: A scoping review. Daniel Vujcich, Sonam Wangda, Meagan Roberts, Roanna Lobo, Bruce Maycock, Chanaka Kulappu Thanthirige, Alison Reid. PLOS One. (2020). 


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