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Abdolmanafi, A., Farvid, P., Tilley, P. J. M., & Dadashi, A. (2021). “Men’s power can be overridden by women’s sexual power”: Married women’s talk about gender and sexuality in contemporary Iran. Sexuality & Culture.


Abercromby, M., Leavy, J. E., Nimmo, L., & Crawford, G. I never had a thought about drowning. (2021) Exploring water safety attitudes and practices among older adults in Western Australia: A qualitative study. Health Promotion Journal of Australia.


Abercromby, M., Leavy, J. E., Tohotoa, J., Della Bona, M., Nimmo, L., & Crawford, G. (2021). “Go hard or go home”: exploring young people’s knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of alcohol use and water safety in Western Australia using the Health Belief Model. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 59(3), 174-191.


Almutairi, N. S., Burns, S., & Portsmouth, L. (2021). Identifying factors associated with overweight and obesity among intermediate school students aged 12-15 years in school settings: Mixedmethodology protocol. BMJ Open, 11(5):e045877.


Awasthi, K. R., Jancey, J., Clements, A. C. A., & Leavy, J. E. (2021). Community engagement approaches for malaria prevention, control and elimination: A scoping review protocol. BMJ Open, 11:e049812.


Blackford, K., Birney, K., Sharma, S., Crawford, G., Tilley, P. J. M., Winter, S., & Hendriks, J. (2021). "Remote Internal” teaching of health promotion and sexology during COVID-19: A mixed methods study of student and staff perspectives. Pedagogy in Health Promotion.


Blackford, K., Leavy, JE., Vidler, AC., Chamberlain, D., Pollard, C., Riley, T., Milligan, M., & Jancey, J. (2021). Initiatives and partnerships in an Australian metropolitan obesity prevention system: A social network analysis. BMC Public Health, 21: 1542.


Blackford, K., Leavy, J., Taylor, J., Connor, E., & Crawford, G. (2021). Towards an ethics framework for Australian health promotion practitioners: an exploratory mixed methods study. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, Advance online publication. 


Brown, S., Leavy, J. E., & Jancey, J. (2021). Implementation of GeneXpert for TB testing in low-and middle-income countries: A systematic review. Global Health: Science and Practice, 9(3), 698-710. 


Bury, K., Leavy, J. E., Lan, C., O'Connor, A., & Jancey, J. (2021). A Saddle sores among female competitive cyclists: a systematic scoping review. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 24(4), 357–367. 


Crawford, G., Connor, L., Hallett, J., Scuderi, M., & Leavy, J. E. (2021). Framing the nanny (state): an analysis of public submissions to a Parliamentary Inquiry on Personal Choice and Community Safety. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health.


D’Costa, B., Lobo, R., & Ward, J. (2021). Lessons learned from the implementation of the Young Deadly Free peer education programme in remote and very remote Australian Aboriginal communities. Sex Education, 1-15.


Eruasquin, J. T., Burns, S., Hendriks, J., & Tucker, J. D. (2021): The International Sexual Health and Reproductive Health Survey (I-SHARE): A multi-country analysis of adults from 30 countries prior to and during the initial COVID-19 wave. medRxiv.


Farivar, F., Cameron, R., & Dantas, J. (2021). Should I stay or should I go? Skilled immigrants’ perceived brain-waste and social embeddedness. Personnel Review.


Gower, S., & Dantas, J., (2021). Stigma, stereotypes and support: The 3S in navigating complex journeys from Intensive English Centres to higher education for students from refugee backgrounds in Australia. Australian Educational Reviewer.


Gray, C., Crawford, G., Maycock, B., & Lobo, R. (2021). Socioecological factors influencing sexual health experiences and health outcomes of migrant Asian women living in ‘western’ high-income countries: a systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(5), 1-14.


Gray, C., Crawford, G., Lobo, R., & Maycock, B. (2021). Getting the right message: a content analysis and application of the health literacy INDEX tool to online HIV resources in Australia. Health Education Research, 36(1), 61-74.


Gray, C., Crawford, G., Maycock, B., & Lobo, R. (2021). Socioecological factors influencing sexual health experiences and health outcomes of migrant Asian women living in ‘Western’ high-income countries: A systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; 18, 2469.


Jancey, J., Burns, S., Hendriks, J., Pollard, C. M., Tohatoa, J., & Hallett, J. (2021). Measuring health promotion research impact – What do researchers think? Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 32(3): 437-443.


Jancey, J., Vidler, A. C., Leavy, J. E., Chamberlain, D., Riley, T., Pollard, C. M., Milligan, M., & Blackford, K. (2021). Understanding prevention networks in an Australian local government area. Health Promotion Practice.


Hendriks, J., & Leowalu, S. (2021). Perspectives of Indonesian parents towards school-based sexuality education. Asia Pacific Journal of Education.


Hlatshwako, T. G., Shah, S. J., Kosana, P., Adebayo, E., Hendriks, J., Larsson, E. C., Saltis, H., & Tucker, JD. (2021). Online health survey research during COVID-19. The Lancet Digital Health, 3(2), e76-e77.


Kaforau, L. S. K., Tessema, G. A., Jancey, J., Dhamrit, G., Bugoro, H., & Pereira, G. (2021). Prevalence and risk factors of adverse birth outcomes in the Pacific Island region: A scoping review protocol. BMJ Open, 11,4:e042423.


Leavy, J.E., Schwarzman, J., Smith, J. A., Storey, A., Menezes, S., Leaversuch, F., & MacMillan, F. (2021). Online journal clubs: A new opportunity for the professional development of the health promotion community. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 32(2), 155-157.


Lewkowski, K., Ytterstad, E., Pugliese, M. J., McCausland, K., Heyworth, J. S., Li, I. W., & Fritschi, L. (2021). Exposure to hand-arm vibration in the Australian workforce. Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 1, 9.


Logan, B., & Burns, S. (2021). Stressors among young Australian university students: A qualitative study. Journal of American College of Health.


Lumbus, A., Fleay, C., Hartley, L., Gower, S., Creado, A., & Dantas, J. (2021). “I want to become part of the Australian community:” Challenging the marginalisation of women resettled as refugees in Australia – findings from a photovoice project.' Australian Journal of Social Issues.


McCann, J., Crawford, G., & Hallett, J. (2021). Sex worker health outcomes in high-income countries of varied regulatory environments: a systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(8), 3956.


McCausland, K., Maycock, B., Leaver, T., Wolf, K., Freeman, B., & Jancey, J. (2021). "Is it banned? Is it illegal?": Navigating Western Australia's regulatory environment for e-cigarettes. The International Journal on Drug Policy, 94, 103177.


Michielsen, K., Larrson, E. C., Kågesten, A., Erausquin, JT., Griffin S., Van de Velde S, et al (Burns, S. – ISHARE team). (2021) International Sexual Health And REproductive health (I-SHARE) survey during COVID19: Study protocol for online national surveys and global comparative analyses. Sexually Transmitted Infections. 97(2):88.


Ni Wayan, S., Hendriks, J., Maycock, B., & Burns, S. (2021). Psychological distress and happiness of men who have sex with men and transgender people during the Coronavirus Disease-19 Pandemic: Is there a need for public health policy intervention? Frontiers in Public Health.


Ni Wayan, S., Hendriks, J., Maycock, B., & Burns, S. (2021). Methodologies of stigma-related research amongst men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender people in Asia and the Pacific low/middle income countries (LMICs): A scoping review. Frontiers in Reproductive Health.


Ni Wayan, S., Maycock, B., & Burns, S. (2021). The CABE Project: Developing a model to conceptualise the sexual attitudes, behaviours, and experiences of men who have sex with men (MSM) and Waria in Bali, Indonesia: Protocol for a mixed methods design within a community-engaged research (CEnR) study. Research Methods in Medicine & Health Sciences.


Pittaway., T, & Dantas, J. (2021). "I don’t think marijuana counts as a drug": Drug and alcohol use amongst South Sudanese youth in Australia. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse.


Pittaway, T., & Dantas, J. (2021). The role of sport in coping and resilience amongst resettled South Sudanese youth in Australia. Health Promotion International.


Pittaway, T., & Dantas, J. (2021). African youth gangs: The marginalisation of South Sudanese young people in Melbourne, Australia. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies.


Rodgers, G., Burns, S., & Crawford, G. (2021). “I was able to actually do something useful”: evaluating the experiences of university students after completing Mental Health First Aid: a mixed-methods study. Advances in Mental Health, 19(1), 40-62.


Roux, F. I., Burns, S. K., Hendriks, J. L., & Chih, H. J. (2021). Progressing toward adolescents’ ovulatory-menstrual health literacy: a systematic literature review of school-based interventions. Women's Reproductive Health, 8(2), 92-114.


Scott, J. A., Burns, S. K., Hauck, Y. L., Giglia, R. C., Jorgensen, A. M., White, B. K., Martin, A., Robinson, S., Dhaliwal, S. S., Binns, C. W., & Maycock, B. R. (2021). Impact of a face-to-face versus smartphone app versus combined breastfeeding intervention targeting fathers: randomized controlled trial. JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting, 4(2), e24579.


Sharma, A., McCausland, K., & Jancey, J. (2021). Adolescent’s health perceptions of electronic cigarettes: A systematic review. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 60(5),716-725.


Sisnowski, J., Vujovich-Dunn, C., Gidding, H., Brotherton, J., Wand, H., Lorch, R., Burns, S. (2021). Differences in school factors associated with adolescent HPV vaccination initiation and completion coverage in three Australian states. Vaccine; 39(41):6117-6126.


Strauss, P., Cook, A., Watson, V., Winter, S., Whitehouse, A., Albrecht, N., & Lin, A. (2021). Mental health difficulties among trans and gender diverse young people with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD): findings from Trans Pathways. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 137, 360-367.


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Strauss, P., Winter, S., Waters, Z., Wright Toussaint, D., Watson, V., & Lin, A. (2021). Perspectives of trans and gender diverse young people accessing primary care and gender-affirming medical services: findings from Trans Pathways. International Journal of Transgender Health, 1-13.


Tanudjaja, S. A., Chih, H. J., Burns, S., Crawford, G., Hallett, J., & Jancey, J. (2021). Alcohol consumption and associated harms among university students in Australia: Findings from a cross-sectional study. Health Promotion Journal of Australia. 32(2),258-263


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